$200 American Express Giveaway + Well-Kept

I am excited to bring you a fun giveaway today! I have partnered up with Well-Kept to bring you a $200 American Express Card and a super fabulous large gift basket of well-kept goodies! Well-Kept has been my best friend as of late, they are the perfect accessory for your cellphone or apple device to keep everything clean and germ-free! Well-Kept is a screen cleansing towelette that is sold around the US, Australia, and France. Can you say, Lifesaver!

I have teamed up with 20 of my favorite bloggers. Enter the giveaway below by using the Rafflecopter! Bonus entries for entering the extra entries! The winner will be announced by Well-Kept on September 30th.

Row 1: Alex at Lex What Wear | Bekka at Palm and Peachtree |  Buffy at The Style Gathering | Courtney at Color Me Courtney | Danielle at Lou What Wear 
Row 2: Danielle at Shop Dandy | Elle at Elle Sees | Emily at Life With Emily | Grace at A Southern Drawl | Jackie at Living After Midnight
Row 3: Jen at Skirt The Rules | Julie at Julie Leah | Katherine at Style Tab | Krista at Covering The Bases | Lauren at Edit by Lauren 
Row 4: Mae at Mae Amor | Paris at ParisRouzati.com | Shelby at Glitter and Gingham | Tiffany at Tiffany Style Blog | Tracy at Right Shoes Blog 

The prize will be a $200 American Express card and a year supply of well-kept! There will be 1 winner, which will be announced by Well-Kept on September 30th. Enter this giveaway via the Rafflecopter widget, and you can even unlock more entries if you complete the ones seen here.

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