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  1. Marian says:

    I can see why you’re obsessed!!

  2. I just posted on those yesterday!

  3. Rachel H. says:

    Those are TOO cute! Love them!!

  4. Stylestance says:

    Definitely 🙂

  5. April says:

    those are too cute. I want them in Black!

  6. Julie says:

    Ok, these are going on my list, like NOW! Cute does not even describe! Have a wonderful weekend! xoxo

  7. ema.leigh says:

    TDF. I want your white TBs that you were wearing the other day in Target… I forgot to reply to your tweet on them. These are uh.mazing.

    sell some shoes on your blog sale!! 😉

  8. Those are AWESOME!!!! Love em!

  9. Kristin says:

    Those are precious! I wonder if they’re comfy?

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